Sunday, March 30, 2008

Las Vegas

Getting a chance to goto this city, on the second day of my first job ( getting which was a dream in itself after 8 rejects !) was like a dream come true. This city grows on you and with time you may either get bored of it or may start liking it. In my case, the latter has happened, and I am loving this place. I guess one of the reasons for this is the bright and sunny weather, which sort of comes as natural to me, coming from India... This weather is most definitely waaay better than the hyper erratic Atlanta weather !

I am a bit bored now though, not because of the place, but by the people here. Everything seems very artificial to me, I guess the beauty of this place also has similar foundations and like a double edged sword, this factor sometimes tends to make Vegas a less alluring place. The smiles on the people's faces seem planted, they seem artificial, they seem temporary and about to vanish as soon as you lose their sight...

- My Kadi bhau instincts have helped me from going Bankrupt till now [:D] ... Casino score till now is .. $ 40 lost ... and today I won .. 74 cents [:D]

- It's like being in the middle of nowhere.

- the roads are narrow, and the speed limits are as less as 25 at many places.

- is totally unlike Atlanta

- becomes like a totally different city from evening through to morning .... it's beautiful..

India Trip 2008 !


Visa power :

- Weekday Buffet at Cafe Bombay : $ 11.5

- Lunch at Tin Drum : $ 6.5

- Taking a pleasure ride on a Cessna at the PDK airport : $ 100.

- Surprising your parents by unexpectedly appearing infront of them after 2 years, by arriving from the US infront of the doorsteps completely unannounced, seeing their facial expressions at such a moment : Priceless !



- Koregao Park is heaven, or so I have heard.

- It was interesting to see the following written in Hindi :

"Vhej Peeejha"

"Cheej Peeejha"

"Phyvyoor Vhej" { Pure Veg }

- Apache is nice ..

- No matter which Chicken dish you order they will always put "Kadi Patta" in it.

Indore :

- Food still rocks.

- Roads still bad.

- Bhaijaan still going strong

- St. Paul's is still the best.

- Saraswati sir is as sharp as ever.
