Wednesday, September 17, 2008



-        Sometimes it can be a curse to be ‘too’ opinionated. However, I feel it is absolutely very difficult to _not_ form an opinion about many things in life. Maybe that’s just me, in which case it still is OK since this is my blog and all of these are my opinions. :D But, anyways, here is my rationale for my line of thought. Suppose we consider _any_ juncture of your life, when you are seeing new things and/or meeting new people, it is but natural to think and mull over about one’s experience with the place/person/whatever. In general, it is a natural human tendency to place one’s experience in wide ‘buckets’ of goodness/badness etc. As time passes, one’s bucket of categorization becomes narrower and narrower, in other words, it becomes more specific, which again is natural. Here I would like to note, that opinions are based on one’s experiences and/or observations. Observations can be extremely subjective and can depend on too many variables to even comment about. Some parameters can be, what was your ‘mood’ at the time of observation, how was ‘your’ reaction to the person / place in the first place, did you interact with the person with a bias, was the person biased when he/she was talking to you which ended up affecting their reaction to you and thus inturn your ‘experience’ ? Thus, we can see that there can be many parameters which can end up affecting our observations and make them less subjective / more objective. Observations lay the foundations for our opinions, thus a subjective observation will lead to a biased opinion. Hence, for one to have an unbiased (relatively speaking ofcourse since one man’s bias is another man’s neutrality) it is important to be as objective as possible during the process of observation. In other words, one must be able to stop oneself from jumping to conclusions without proper observations….



-          Asking questions, lots of them with genuine interest is one of the best ways of learning. Before a questions is asked however, it is very important to realize however that one must try to accumulate all the possible resources and tools one has to possibly answer the question. Let me try to answer what I sat. Questions are usually asked in response to ‘problems’. Now, it is possible that at any given point of time you might have the necessary knowledge base to attack a question, but you might not have the correct direction / approach to attack the problem. Anyways, my point is that the process of self-introspection / investigation into one’s existing knowledge base is very important _before_ one asks the question because once that is done, and your question gets answered, you know _exactly_ what you were missing in your thought process and/or knowledge base and you are much better able to integrate the knowledge acquired to attack future problems. Furthermore, such knowledge is more likely to stick with you for a longer period of time.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Completely Random - but interesting websites

Compact Travel guides detailing fun things to do for certain tourist destinations

PITA principle - about PITA co-workers !

Real life and Innovative ways of proposing !

Entry level Career Examiner