Friday, March 17, 2017

Self-Driving Car Algorithm Consideration(s)

Just listing out some considerations / parameters for a self-driving car algorithm : 
  • Are lane markings clear ?
  • What is the traffic in the lane immediately ahead ?
  • What is the traffic in the adjacent lane(s) ?
  • What is the approaching / predicted curvature of the roads nearby ?
  • Are any pedestrians approaching ?
  • What do the traffic signs suggest about the speed limit ?
  • How to sense the driving condition(s) and what would be the safe speed limit for the current driving condition(s) ?
  • How to sense if an emergency vehicle is approaching ? This could be done by audio / visual techniques.
  • For a situation in which an incident cannot be prevented, how to minimize loss of human life ( and secondarily property ) ?
  • View the trend in brake light(s) of cars up front, so that if the cars ahead start to activate their brake light(s), then a speed slow down could be implemented.