Thursday, December 6, 2012

So how does Android support Device Diversity ?

Android attempts to address device diversity by the following techniques:
  • By providing density specific resource folders. 
  • By providing resource folders for screens with different sizes.
  • By providing an ever upgraded Compatibility library which is used to extend the capabilities exposed on the later versions of OS, to older versions of the OS. For example, Fragments were introduced from 3.x onwards. However, by using the Compatibility Library, you can use Fragments even in Apps targeted to Android 1.6.
  • By unifying the Tablet and Phone experience ( Android 4.0 onwards ). 
  • Third-party libraries also exist which can provide similar capabilities ( or in some cases even better ) to extend capabilities to previous platforms. An example of this is, ActionBarSherlock.
The above are some of the ways which Android developers can use to tackle device diversity for their Apps.

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