Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thank You Google - for Google Docs

I just love Google Docs. The primary driving factor, which initially prompted me to use Google Docs was the easy collaboration feature, which has improved over time. Also, it seems to gel well with other Google products as well, which is an added advantage. I have started a flight training course, and after every flight I perform a self-debrief, on what my thoughts were. I began documenting the same via a spreadsheet. Within my ‘paper’ notes, I had drawn a simple line illustration of the pre-flight inspections. I imagined it would not be an easy task to obtain the same in a spreadsheet, out-of-the-box, i.e. without using another tool to do the same. However, I just thought of checking if I can do the same in Google Docs. Imagine my surprise when I discovered, that I can indeed do it, right within Google Docs, without any external program, and with Edit History being accessible as well ! Just wanted to say thanks to Google for making Google Docs.

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