Saturday, December 1, 2012

The programmer’s ( author’s ) ‘itch’

At several places, I have read that any piece of software is essentially an expression of a programmer’s ‘itch’ to solve a particular problem. This is all the more true for FOSS ( free open source software ), since it is by definition non-commercial. I believe the same applies to writers/authors(*) as well. I believe, at some point of time the ‘itch’ / self-chattering inside a writer’s mind increases to a point that expressing these thoughts in the open, starts to seem natural, spontaneous and an itch-reliever as well ! It seems to me that I have reached such a point. This blog will serve as an itch-reliever henceforth !

(*) = I use the term writer loosely here, i.e. not in the generally accepted ( I believe ) sense of a well-published author, but as a person who merely pens down his ( perhaps less than earth-shattering ) thoughts. A more accurate representation of my intent would be ‘thought-expressor’ ?

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